E-mail A.R golpy at: golpystudio@gmail.com
Modern 2 & 3 Visual-elements, OP-Art vistual, to practical elements, and it's coloration tech-plan, on a prepared design plan on paper frist,and on an expermental canvas second, the size of a prepared OP-art design matters to get the pratical vistual-effect aim by the artist main plan. a.r golpy
OP-Art Artist Painters YouTube.com, British artist Onslow Ford, 1941 painting, "Temptation", and Hungrian-born artist......, and few more to mention foe early movement in OP-arts Links coming soon
Modern Sculptural Art from elementary to advance by the use wood, metal fabrication, and metal-welding, stone carving by usage of modern-tech carving & polishing tools, and Brozne tech in sculptural-arts.
YouTube.com links to progress contempory arts such as Venice Beach Artist & former UCLA art professor Mr Guy Dill, A.R Golpy train with and coop with on his 1980's sculptural projects, plus one of the Father of Modern-sculpture Henery Moore, like His 1934 "Ironstone", with many more in private collections & Museums & Parks around the world, US born the late UCLA art professor Oliver Anderess, for His Brozne casting tech, which A.R golpy AL Raoufi was train with, and Oliver great Stenless steel Water-founatins one for a park in Alabama, after many years of work and personal reseach A.R Golpy, AL came up with the way miniture Model making with sculptual clay material, for a more complex Modern-art sculptual forms, which allows's the artist to take his crative design further, for creating a sculpture form by using modern-material, & tech, such wood and it's natual texture, and various sizes of plywood, and plexiglass for a laminated sculptural-forms, and also usage of Fabric-material by coloring it to cover the sculptual-form, and use of lighting for over night presention
Still Photography All Medium
Animation, traditional way and it's Fine Cel-animation & drawings examples, from Golpy Art Studio.com Collection, Coming soon
Photograpy & Pro-vedio with sound
------Fine Arts Tech by A.R golpy U.C.L.A Fine arts & design graudate, and Animation & Web Design degree from the L.A Abram Friedman Animation Arts
*Fine art lesson live, Web-cast on line by fine arts & website master golpy*
2D traditional drawing & cel animation basic to advance, and convertion pencil, or pen drawing to computer animation, by golpy step by step with reference to great books to be read & study carfully
OP Art, coloration system & brush stroke on the canvas visual & relational study, and it's pratical elements for the beginer artists
*Op Art basic done by a.r golpy*
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Created by webmaster, AL at: www.GolpyArtStudio.com on from March 2003-17 © a.r golpy